ThreatX Protect

API & Application Threat Protection

Go from zero to blocking in minutes with ThreatX – an easy-to-use, comprehensive platform to discover, visualize, and protect your API and web application attack surface from sophisticated security threats.

  • Continuous API discovery
  • Real-time traffic and risk observability
  • behavioral threat detection
  • Protection against botnets and advanced attackers
  • Fully-managed Security-as-a-Service & 24/7 expert support

“We look at our ThreatX dashboard and pinpoint whether attackers are just getting their feet wet, or really trying to exploit us. It’s a good visual because we can see clearly what to focus on. With other solutions, it was just an immediate block for anything that met a rule.”

Marco Escobar, Senior Director of Operations, Segpay

Read the full case study

Observe, detect, and block threats to your APIs and web applications instantly, without giving your team yet another tool to manage. 

How We Help

Real-Time Observability

Easily view your API and application usage and malicious traffic to understand threats and their targets without any guesswork

When it comes to threat protection, busy teams need to know their first line of defense gives deep visibility and defense against a variety of threats. ThreatX Protect provides out-of-the-box protection against many threats, including: 

  • OWASP Top 10 threats 
  • DDoS 
  • Malicious Bots and Botnets 
  • Credential Stuffing 

We also automatically correlate evasive behavior like location masking and cycling IP addresses so you can quickly understand how threats are probing your disparate applications and APIs. 

Learn more about ThreatX Protect by reading this datasheet.

Behavioral Threat Detection

Stop wading through endless alerts without context – instead, detect threats and track them over time based on their behavior

Relying on signatures to identify threats used to work – but today, such approaches fall short and assume attackers are not as capable and creative as they are. By tracking and analyzing the behavior of attackers over time, ThreatX Protect gains a much more complete and precise view of risk – both immediately and borne through low and slow attacks over time. This level of behavioral insight gives you a practical approach to confidently detecting and taking action against API and application attackers.

Understand how modern attacks are flying under the radar by reading our guide, What Lies Beneath: What You Need to Know About the Modern Threat Landscape.

Automated Threat Protection

Respond to threats quickly and automatically – without impacting legitimate users

Who is targeting us, and what are we doing to stop them? ThreatX is built to help teams answer these questions quickly and easily.  

Most organizations getting started with security programs are simply looking to protect the APIs and applications that are powering their brands, and they’re looking to get going fast. With ThreatX, you’ll get instant visibility and protection in minutes – not days or weeklong deployment times that can come with more complex solutions.

Furthermore, ThreatX protects both APIs and applications from all manner of threats, including malicious bots, DDoS, credential stuffing, OWASP and OWASP API Top Ten, and much more.

See ThreatX’s automated threat protection by watching this platform demonstration.

Risk-Based Blocking

Block API threats without integrating with other tools or triaging endless alerts

Blocking malicious traffic is table stakes in API protection. But most API security vendors require integrations with WAFs or gateways – while most firewalls produce way too much noise. ThreatX helps you tackle both these challenges with native blocking capabilities and risk-based behavioral analysis. 

Risk-based blocking provides a highly automated and accurate way of detecting and mitigating the wide range of attacks that can target APIs, without requiring security teams to maintain complex rulesets, and without false positives blocking critical API functionality.

Key Benefits

Secure APIs and applications with Observability, Prevention, and Protection

Eliminate risks without compromising your time or peace of mind.

Experience user-friendly security designed to focus on what matters most. Leverage simplified dashboards so you can effortlessly oversee your API and application’s security posture and risks.


Get your nights and weekends back with always-active security that ensures your APIs and applications stay safe. Our visionary technology provides continuous protection and prevention without the need for manual intervention. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your APIs and applications are secure even when you’re off the clock. 

Eliminate Risks

ThreatX solutions are always monitoring, assessing, and identifying risks to APIs and applications continuously based on behavior. Our technology learns to recognize threats and vulnerabilities specific to your system, and proactively stops them based on risk level. This ensures your business remains operational and efficient, without interruptions