What is Runtime Security?

PUBLISHED ON August 21, 2024
LAST UPDATED Aug 21, 2024

Have you ever come across the term “Runtime Security” and found yourself wondering what it really means? Does it refer to securing applications, protecting system operations, or reinforcing the entire architecture against different types of attacks? The truth is, the term “Runtime Security” can hold different definitions depending on the context and the perspective of various professionals: 

Given this diversity of perspective, let’s define runtime security further. In general, runtime security is about protecting applications and systems while they are actively running and processing data. It involves establishing a baseline of normal behavior for each component in a cloud-native environment, including containers, hosts, and serverless functions. By continuously monitoring file systems, processes, and network activities, runtime security can quickly detect and respond to anomalies that may indicate a security threat. Runtime security is especially important for organizations embracing modern apps with cloud-native architectures in dynamic, distributed environments (private, public and hybrid cloud), where traditional security measures lack visibility and are inadequate.

Why is Runtime Security Important Now? 

As organizations increasingly adopt modern applications with cloud-native architectures—whether in private, public, or hybrid clouds—and deploy technologies like VMs, containers, and serverless functions, runtime security becomes crucial for addressing real-time threats. Gartner projects a 19.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2026 [1], highlighting the urgent need for robust runtime security measures. 

Modern cloud environments are fast-paced and constantly changing, making runtime security essential for several important reasons: 

Expanding Attack SurfaceAs organizations continue to migrate to the cloud, the attack surface “expands exponentially,” leading to an increased number of potential vulnerabilities. CrowdStrike reports that “cyberattacks conducted by cloud-savvy threat actors—those who gain access to a victim’s cloud environment and exploit cloud services—increased by 110% in 2023” [6]. Similarly, Check Point Research noted a “48% increase in cloud-based attacks in 2022” [4]. This growing risk underscores the importance of runtime security in “identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in running applications and workloads,” hence protecting against these evolving threats.
Shared Responsibility for SecurityCloud security operates under a shared responsibility model, where “cloud providers secure the infrastructure while customers are responsible for protecting their applications and data.” Runtime security is essential for helping customers fulfill their part of this model. According to a Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, “73% of organizations experienced a security incident due to confusion over this shared responsibility” [2]. To prevent such incidents, it is crucial to “proactively implement strong runtime security measures.”
Complex and Dynamic InfrastructureThe cloud’s inherently dynamic nature, often involving multiple services and providers, “creates a complex security landscape.” This complexity demands continuous protection and visibility into running applications. Runtime security enables “real-time threat detection and response,” ensuring that applications remain secure as they dynamically interact with various cloud services. Gartner predicts that by 2025, “99% of cloud security failures will be attributed to customer mismanagement,” further emphasizing the need for robust runtime security solutions [3].” 

Runtime Risks in Modern Architectures 

In the evolving landscape of cloud-native architectures, understanding the importance of runtime security is critical. As organizations adopt advanced technologies such as containers, orchestrators, and serverless platforms, these components become attractive targets for cyber attackers. Identifying and mitigating the vulnerabilities within these modern runtime environments is essential to safeguarding applications and maintaining overall system security.

Container Vulnerabilities
Containers are a fundamental part of modern architectures, but they come with their own set of risks: 

  • Container Escape: This occurs when an attacker breaks out of a container and gains root access to the host system. An example is the CVE-2019-5736 vulnerability in runc, a popular container runtime. 
  • Image-Based Vulnerabilities: These arise when an application uses outdated or insecure base images. Attackers might exploit known vulnerabilities in popular Docker images from public repositories. 
  • Malicious Image Injection: Attackers might insert malware or backdoors into container images, compromising the system. Another threat is crypto jacking, where attackers inject mining software into containers, by exploiting an exposed Docker remote API. 

Orchestrator Vulnerabilities (e.g., Kubernetes)
Orchestrators like Kubernetes are powerful tools for managing containerized environments, but they are also targets for attackers: 

  • API Server Exploitation: Attackers could gain unauthorized access to cluster-wide resources, as seen in the CVE-2018-1002105 Kubernetes privilege escalation flaw. 
  • Kubelet Exploitation: If the Kubelet API is exposed, unauthorized parties can retrieve information or execute commands within containers. For example, anyone with access to the Kubelet service port (10250) can execute commands inside containers without needing a certificate. 
  • Misconfigurations: Misconfigured orchestrators can pose significant vulnerabilities. For instance, if the Kubernetes dashboard is exposed without authentication, attackers could take over the entire cluster. Similarly, running containers with root privileges or mounting sensitive host paths are other common security risks. 

Serverless Platform Vulnerabilities
Serverless architectures are increasingly popular due to their scalability and efficiency, but they also introduce unique security challenges: 

  • Insecure API Gateways: Misconfigured API gateways can lead to unauthorized access or data exposure. For example, improper rate limiting could allow Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, or APIs might return excessive data, such as full user records, instead of only the necessary information. 
  • Injection Attacks: APIs in serverless architectures are particularly vulnerable to injection attacks if input validation is not properly implemented. For example, a NoSQL injection attack could target a MongoDB-backed serverless API. 

Building a Robust Runtime Security Strategy 

Security measures have evolved from focusing solely on simple web applications to encompassing APIs, cloud workloads, and entire cloud environments. This transformation requires that security approaches adapt to support these recent technologies. To meet these challenges, modern businesses must develop a strong, multi-layered runtime security strategy. 

Organizations typically achieve this by implementing a combination of technologies tailored to their specific needs and application architecture. Key components of this strategy include Web Application Firewalls (WAF), Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), Web Application and API Protection (WAAP), and Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP).  

We will now explore how these technologies provide protection in diverse scenarios:  

Web Application Firewalls (WAF) 

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a security solution deployed at the network layer to safeguard an organization’s web applications. It was one of the first lines of defense against web-based attacks, designed to filter, monitor, and analyze HTTP and HTTPS traffic between a web application and the internet. 

WAFs employ a combination of techniques to identify and mitigate threats:

  • Signature-Based Detection: WAFs maintain a database of known threat signatures, enabling them to detect and block malicious activities based on these predefined patterns. 
  • Anomaly Detection: WAFs use anomaly detection to spot unusual patterns in web requests and responses that could signify an attack. 

The primary objective of a WAF is to provide broad protection for all an organization’s internet-facing web applications. While WAFs can be configured to offer specific protections for different applications, their decisions are based solely on the data visible in network traffic. Therefore, WAFs may not catch certain threats that are not evident from the traffic alone. 

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) 

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), a term coined by Gartner in 2012, is a security technology designed to offer targeted protection for individual applications. Unlike Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), which secure multiple applications by monitoring network traffic, RASP focuses on the internal behavior and data flow of a single application. It does this by embedding security controls directly within the application itself. 

Key Features of RASP: 

  • Introspection
    RASP conducts detailed monitoring of an application’s inputs, outputs, and behavior. This enables it to detect and respond to threats based on their impact on the application, rather than relying on predefined patterns. 
  • Contextual Analysis
    RASP analyzes the application’s runtime context to determine whether the application is performing as expected. By operating on the same server as the application, RASP can detect and block attacks immediately, thus identifying sophisticated threats that might evade traditional security measures. 

RASP operates on the application’s server, automatically activating when the application starts. Since RASP is embedded within the application, there is no need for manual activation by an administrator. Upon detecting a potential threat, RASP can take actions such as terminating the session of the suspected malicious actor, sending a warning to the administrator, or shutting down the application. To identify threats, RASP uses methods such as pattern matching, threat analysis, data monitoring, and language security techniques. 

RASP functions in two operational modes

Each of these analytical methods has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, some methods may be prone to false positives (incorrectly identifying activities as threats), while others might result in false negatives (failing to detect actual threats).  

Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) 

According to Gartner, cloud WAAP (Web Application and API Protection) is a comprehensive set of security tools designed to protect web applications, no matter where they are hosted. Cloud WAAP covers key security risks, including the OWASP Top 10 web application vulnerabilities and automated attacks. It also provides robust API security and can detect and defend against complex Layer 7 attacks that target web applications. 

The core components of Cloud WAAP work together to create a holistic security approach for web-based applications in cloud environments. These components include: 

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) 
  • Bot Management Systems 
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Mitigation Tools 
  • API Protection Mechanisms 

WAAP offers extensive protection against a wide range of application layer attacks, including bot mitigation, DDoS protection, and API security. However, organizations may face several challenges when implementing and maintaining WAAP solutions: 

  • Potential Latency: WAAP solutions may introduce latency, which could impact application performance and user experience—critical factors for businesses that rely on fast, responsive web applications and APIs. 
  • False Positives: Despite using advanced machine learning techniques, WAAP solutions can still generate false positives, potentially blocking legitimate traffic. Managing this requires continuous tuning, which can be resource-intensive and may affect user interactions if not handled properly. 
  • Complex Configuration and Management: The broad feature set of WAAP solutions can make them difficult to configure and manage, often requiring specialized skills and resources. This complexity can lead to misconfigurations or underutilization of features. 
  • Cost: Comprehensive WAAP solutions, particularly those with advanced features, can be expensive. This might make them inaccessible for smaller organizations or strain the budgets of larger ones. 
  • Customization Needs: WAAP solutions may not always provide adequate protection for highly customized or unique applications without significant customization. This can leave industry-specific applications vulnerable to targeted attacks. 

Despite these limitations, WAAP solutions are continuously evolving, with a growing list of features, including: 

  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Offering more sophisticated analytics and reporting features, WAAP solutions provide deeper insights into application traffic patterns and potential security risks. 
  • Zero Trust Integration: Many WAAP platforms are now designed to integrate with Zero Trust architectures, supporting continuous authentication and authorization at the application layer. 
  • Serverless and Container Protection: As cloud-native applications become more prevalent, WAAP solutions are expanding to offer specific protections for serverless functions and containerized applications. 
  • Bot Management: WAAP solutions now include advanced bot detection and mitigation, addressing increasingly complex bot-driven attacks such as credential stuffing, account takeover attempts, and web scraping. 
  • API Discovery and Protection: With the proliferation of APIs, WAAP platforms now feature automatic API discovery and schema validation, helping organizations protect even unknown or shadow APIs. 
  • Client-Side Protection: To counter the growing threat of client-side attacks like Magecart, WAAP platforms are introducing features to monitor and protect against malicious code injections on the client side. 

Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) 

The Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is a comprehensive, all-in-one security solution specifically designed for cloud-native applications and infrastructure. Introduced by Gartner in 2021, CNAPP integrates various security and compliance capabilities into a unified platform. Its purpose is to prevent, detect, and respond to the wide range of threats that cloud environments face, providing a robust security framework for organizations operating in the cloud. 

Core Technologies Integrated into CNAPP: 

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
    Monitors, alerts, and remediates misconfigurations and compliance risks within cloud environments. 
  • Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
    Provides visibility and control over physical servers, virtual machines (VMs), containers, and serverless workloads across both cloud and data center environments, offering comprehensive protection for all types of workloads. 
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)
    Mitigates the risk of data breaches by continuously monitoring identities, permissions, privileges, and activities within cloud environments, ensuring that access is appropriately managed and controlled. 
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    Manages and controls access to internal resources, ensuring that users have the correct permissions and that access policies are enforced consistently across the cloud infrastructure. 
  • Data Protection
    Monitors, inspects, and prevents the exfiltration of sensitive data caused by malicious insiders, phishing, and other threats, protecting the integrity and confidentiality of critical information. 

CNAPP brings together these diverse technologies into a single, unified platform that manages security across all cloud-native environments and applications.  

Benefits of CNAPP

  • Unified Security Management
    By integrating multiple security functions into a single platform, CNAPP simplifies the management of security across cloud environments, making it easier for organizations to maintain a robust security posture. 
  • Proactive Threat Detection
    CNAPP helps organizations stay ahead of evolving threats by proactively identifying and mitigating security risks across the cloud infrastructure, ensuring ongoing compliance with industry standards and regulations. 
  • Cost Efficiency
    The consolidation of security tools into a single platform can lead to significant cost savings, reducing the need for multiple licenses, maintenance costs, and operational overhead. 


Despite its many benefits, CNAPP also presents several challenges: 

  • Steep Learning Curve
    Implementing and managing a CNAPP solution may require significant training for staff, given the platform’s complexity. This can be a barrier for organizations with limited resources. 
  • Integration Difficulties
    Organizations may face challenges when integrating CNAPP with existing security tools and processes, potentially leading to operational disruptions. 
  • Alert Overload
    The comprehensive nature of CNAPP can result in a flood of alerts, some of which may lack sufficient context, complicating the work of security operations (SecOps) teams. 
  • Vendor Lock-In
    Relying on a single CNAPP solution for multiple security functions could lead to dependency on one vendor, increasing the risk of vendor lock-in. 
  • Performance Impact
    Extensive monitoring and protection offered by CNAPP might negatively affect application performance if not properly optimized, potentially impacting user experience. 

The Evolution from WAF and RASP to Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) 

WAF and RASP are complementary security solutions. WAF serves as the first line of defense, filtering out many common threats before they reach the application. Meanwhile, RASP adds an additional layer of defense by identifying and blocking threats that bypass the WAF. The combined capabilities of WAF and RASP have evolved into the next generation of security technology known as Web Application and API Protection (WAAP). 

The Evolution of WAAP and the Rise of CNAPP 

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, WAAP solutions are expected to expand their capabilities to address new and emerging risks. The ongoing shift to cloud-native environments is also pushing the development of more cloud-centric approaches to application security. This focus on the complexities of modern cloud-native application environments has introduced a new security solution: the Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP). 

Timeline of Security Technologies 

The table below reflects the evolution of application architectures and the changing threat landscape: 

Key Takeaways

Runtime security is essential for safeguarding applications at the most critical times—when they are actively running, serving users, and processing data. Unlike traditional security measures that focus on perimeter defenses, runtime security provides continuous protection during the actual operation of applications and services. As technology evolves, runtime security has expanded to include additional layers to safeguard new technologies, encompassing applications, containers, hosts, and serverless functions. This comprehensive approach leverages technologies like Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), Web Application and API Protection (WAAP), and Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP). 

As cloud environments become increasingly complex and the threat landscape continues to evolve, runtime security is essential for safeguarding the critical business processes that run within these environments. By providing real-time protection, runtime security helps organizations proactively defend against emerging threats. 

References: [1] Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Reach Nearly $600 Billion in 2023 [2] Microsoft Security Intelligence Report [3] Gartner: Is the Cloud Secure? [4] Check Point Research: Cloud Security Report 2022 [5] IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022 [6] CrowdStrike’s Global Threat Report.

About the Author

Sydney Coffaro

Experienced subject-matter expert focused on cybersecurity automation, incident response, APIs, and application security with a demonstrated history of working in fast-paced early stage startups. Sydney is a certified product manager, Scrum Master, and has led technical sales initiatives for go to customer teams that resulted in the acquisition of hundreds of customers.