ThreatX is now a part of A10 Networks

The A10 Defend portfolio now includes ThreatX Protect cloud WAAP solution, giving customers an additional tool in their strategy to protect against new and evolving threats.
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Secure APIs & Apps with Real-Time Visibility and Protection

Learn how TX Protect can augment your API and application security efforts.


Eliminate Risks Without Compromising Your Time Or Peace of Mind



  • Complex deployments and multiple integrations required
  • Alert-heavy systems that require manual intervention and investigation
  • Fragmented dashboards that don’t tell a clear story or prioritize risks
  • Reverse-proxy deployments supported by experts
  • 24×7 Active Monitoring with by our Security-as-a-Service team
  • Easily investigate high risk threats with simplified dashboards


  • Multiple point solutions for apps, APIs, and bots
  • High false-positive rate with rule & signature-based detection
  • Heavy manual investigation required before response
  • One platform for apps, APIs, and bots
  • Efficient & effective threat detection based on behavior
  • Reduce manual work by automating responses for threats

Eliminate Risks

  • Signature & IP-based blocking that doesn’t keep attackers out, generating false positives, and requires constant tuning
  • Stop attackers effortlessly with automated, risk-based blocking

Find out what companies like yours love
about ThreatX

“Their innovative way of handling next gen threats while still not proving to be a thorn in the flesh resulted in better acceptance for the app teams, and that in turn helped security team for an easier roll out of the SAAS offering.”
— Gartner Peer Insights Reviewer
“The best part of working with ThreatX is the SOC that is keeping an eye on things and making recommendations and adjustments. The relationship and trust is important to our Credit Union and we have found an amazing partner in ThreatX.”
— Steve Liu, Director of Information Technology
“We have been very pleased with what ThreatX has had to offer. The best feature is it’s simplicity. Onboarding a new web application takes minutes. Everything about it’s interface is intuitive to use.”
— Gartner Peer Insights Reviewer
“Threat interactions are monitored and ThreatX enables us to automatically identify and block potentially malicious and suspicious cyber behavior. We don’t have to specify the conditions or rules like we would in any other WAF, because the ThreatX solution continuously learns from what it observes.”
— Joel Bruesch, Senior Director of Information Security